A downloadable game for Windows

Simple RPG prototype game. Only 640x640 resolution right now. Only Windows download available right now.


  • Random Monster Drops
  • Working Teleporter
  • Working Inventory and Equipment
  • Working Loading/Saving (Only 1 save slot atm)
  • 2 Maps (The one spawned in, and one to the right).
  • Mana and Energy Regen
  • Inventory (I)
  • Character (C)
  • Attributes (T)
  • Special Attack (Space+Ctrl)
  • Normal Attack (Space)
  • Movement (WASD, Up/Down/Left/Right)
  • Run/Walk (Shift)
  • World Map (M)
  • Journal (J)
  • Message Box (K)
  • Options (No audio/graphics user input yet)

    Future Potential Features:

    • Tooltips for items displaying stats/enchants/description, in inventory/equipment/loot scenes.

    • Tooltips for stats/abilities w/ descriptions.

    • Right click drop to removeInvItem, or some way to delete, handle case when inventory is full. Can't loot if invy is full.

    • Dragging item from equipment slot into inventory slot, as another way to unequip besides double click. (Also deal with stackables)

    • Dragging item from inventory slot into equipment slot, as another way to equip besides double click. (Also deal with stackables)

    • Dragging item from loot slot into inventory, as another way to loot besides single click. (Also deal with stackables)

    • Monster Attacking Sensor chamfered rectangle instead of circle. (Issues with aggro/attacking state then based on width rather than radius)

    • Monster Attack Anims. Monster Death Anims. If dead body, final frame gets paused.

    • Clicking/walkover dead body/lootbag/chest on ground to loot, loot scene appears. (Body/Loot Scene stay for 60 sec, then monster respawn and it disappears.)

    • Increased inventory size (16 --> 64). 4 pages of it?

    • Bank (Need chest in game to click on and bank stuff). Gold currency.

    • Store (Need NPC or chest in game to click on and view store menu.). Gold currency.

    • Quests & Interactions with NPCs. Chatbox for NPCs.

    • Spells Staves (Spell like DS3, pyromancer hand with flames can be equipped in offhand/mainhand.) (spell hand = weak, wand = medium, 2H staff = strong)

    • Debuffs (from monsters). Buffs from unique potions/items/gear/altars.

    • Stat resets. Drink from the forgetfullness well or fountain. Or a NPC lets you unlearn everything.

    • Monster Spawn 'zones' instead of 'random points'. Random Respawn/Spawn be same dimensions as their wander zone.

    • Monster 'wandering' while in idle state? Or new 'wander' state.

    • TimePlayed Stat for Journal. (Initialize, start timer, pause timer, update game state set/getTimePlayed, housed in player stats.)

    • Spritesheet for each weapon type, and for armor. And maybe colors for different ones if feeling ambitious.

    • 4 way direction instead of 2 way direction for monsters and player animations.

    • Multiple saves, links to correct slot when player does new/save game. 'save' button automatically save to correct slot. If full, user must overwrite/delete one.

    • Instead of 640x640, game configs to fullscreen, and on electron startup.

    • GameState for the current zoom, saved between scene transitions and loads. Perhaps just linked with the player or some already existing game state 'chunk'.

    • Messages from MessageBox aren't persisting like the rest of the message box sprites (due to them being 'complex' in an array).

    • Options functionality (Audio, Graphics, Controls)

    • Caves/Special locations/Quest Icons added to the WorldMap.

    • Key 'E' or something to autoloot (Just done from the lootScene). 'Loot' header text and make it look nice as well. (Same for invy and equipment)

    • Different stamina amounts and special attack mana amounts for different weapons.

    • On new map loadup, the text gets reset for messagebox which is fine, but should print out the region the player is currently in, like 'Jakkeen Fields'.

    • Weapons/Damage/Regens scale dynamically with stats in a better way.

    • Stat Requirements to wield Weapons/Armor/Spells. (INT, AGI, STR).

    • Make Crit Chance and Crit Damage actually proc. no special anim change for crits/dodges


    game Setup 1.0.0.exe 75 MB

    Install instructions

    The setup.exe is for Windows, and should automatically create a desktop shortcut. Uses Electron. It automatically starts the game as well.

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